When moving internationally, there are a lot of key documentation that you need to have ready by the time you reach your new home. Preparing these documents ahead of your departure will not only save you a lot of time and effort once you arrive, but in many cases, they are essential for starting your new life overseas.
At Overseas Packers & Shippers, we understand the importance of having everything in check before moving internationally. As international removalists, we help our customers organise essential parts of their move to make the process go as smoothly as possible. This guide will outline what documents you need to have for your overseas move, and what to do if you need to replace them once you have arrived at your destination.

What Documents You Need to Move Overseas
Before you move to your new home overseas, it is important that you have access to a range of key documents. Some of the most essential documents you need include:
- Passport – you will need a passport to gain access to your new country. There is no more important piece of documentation when moving overseas.
- Visa – a working visa is what will allow you to obtain work and earn money when living abroad. Hopefully, your new employer will help you obtain a visa before your move, but if not, then it is best to start applying for one months before your departure date.
- Birth certificate – your birth certificate is a valuable personal identification document that is recognised in most countries.
- Medical documents – your vaccination, medical, dental, and prescription history should all be taken with you to your new country in the form of official documentation.
- Others – some other key documents include a working permit, marriage certificate, driver’s licence, and any qualifications you may have.
Making sure you have all of these documents ready to go by the time of your move will save you a lot of stress during the early months of being abroad.

What to Do if You Lose Your Australian Passport Overseas
The only thing more stressful than losing your Australian passport is losing your Australian passport while you are living in a foreign country. Thankfully, the Australian Government has outlined a series of steps for Australian expats to follow if this happens to them while living abroad.
If you lose your Australian passport while living internationally, you must:
- Gather personal documents (such as your birth certificate) that validate you as an Australian citizen and take two new passport photos.
- Ask someone to be your guarantor. This person must be someone who also holds an Australian passport, but they cannot be a relative of yours.
- Fill in the online application form. Note that consent must be given for anyone under the age of 18.
- Lodge your application at an Australian diplomatic or consular mission and pay the fee.
- Wait until the passport is ready to be collected – usually within 6 weeks of the application being lodged.
While it is incredibly stressful to lose your passport overseas, it is not the end of the world. By following these steps, you have a new Australian passport in your hands in no time.
You Can Never be Too Safe
When preparing your key documents for moving internationally, we highly recommend that you make several back-up copies to be on the safe side. You are risking a lot by only taking a single physical copy of documents such as your birth certificate and qualifications with you while you are moving overseas.
Take photos or scans of the documents and email them to yourself or store them somewhere you can access easily. We also recommend having some photocopies of the documents sighted and signed by a JP.
Contact Overseas Packers & Shippers
Overseas Packers & Shippers is an international moving company that takes away the stress of moving your belongings to a new country. To make use of our quality removalist services, contact us today.